Little Red Dot

Official Name: Republic of Singapore

City State: Main island of Singapore and some 63 offshore islands. It lies approximately 137 kilometres of the Equator between latitudes 1 Deg. 09′ N & 1 Deg. 29’N and longitudes 103 Deg. 36’E & 104 Deg. 25’E.

Area: 606.7 square km (Main Island)
Natural Resources: Fish, deepwater ports

Language: The official languages are Malay, Mandarin Chinese, Tamil and English; Malay is the national language; English is the language of administration, Mandarin is increasingly used among the Chinese, replacing dialects like Hokkien, Teochew, Cantonese, Hakka, Hainanese and Foochow.

Government System: Parliamentary democracy

Population: 4.0 million (Jun 2000, includes foreigners and Permanent residents); By Ethnic Groups – Malay (13.9%). Indian (7.9%), Chinese (76.8%) and Others (1.4%)
Population Growth Rate: 1.7% (% increase over 1999, Jun 2000 estimate).

For latest statistics reports, click below, from “The Singapore Department of Statistics compiles population statistics and indicators”.

Latest Data on Population & Land Area Latest Data on Resident Population Profile – See more at:


Latest Data on Population & Land Area Latest Data on Resident Population Profile Statistical Tables from Monthly Digest Population [Table Listing] Statistical Tables from Yearbook Population excel (262 kb) Time Series Population excel (50 kb) Key Demographic Indicators, 1970 -2013 excel (92 kb) – See more at:


Latest Data on Population & Land Area Latest Data on Resident Population Profile Statistical Tables from Monthly Digest Population [Table Listing] Statistical Tables from Yearbook Population excel (262 kb) Time Series Population excel (50 kb) Key Demographic Indicators, 1970 -2013 excel (92 kb) – See more at:

Population and Latest Key Indicators



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Religion The Constitution allows every person the right to profess, practise and propagate his religion. The main religions are Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism and Hinduism.

Time Singapore is 8 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT +8) or 13 hours ahead of US. Eastern Standard Time (EST +13).


Climatological Statistics
Temperature: Mean daily 26.8 Deg C
Relative Humidity: 84.3 %
Rainfall: Mean annual – 2.345 mm
Sunshine: Mean daily – 5.60 hours

Singapore’s neighbours are Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia. A 1.1 kilometre causeway over the Strait of Johor and 1.9 kilometre bridge at Tuas link Singapore with Peninsular Malaysia.

Offshore islands of economic importance include Sentosa, Pulau Bukom, Pulau Merlimau, Pulau Ayer Chawan, Pulau Seraya and Jurong Island.


Economic Overview

Singapore has one of the most developed industrial, commercial, financial, and consumer economies in the world and is excellent market for Developed Countries products and services. Its role is the “Gateway to Southeast Asia”.

For latest outlook, click

(Main Extracts from Singapore Facts and Pictures 2001, Wikipedia or unless otherwise stated)


Sustainable Singapore Blueprint (SSB)

Thanks to our pioneers, we were green even before it was fashionable to be green. Our journey towards sustainability started in the 1960s before environmental issues became a global concern.
Our leaders then asked bold questions about the long-term vision for Singapore and they made a conscious decision to green our country. Then Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew believed that “a blighted urban jungle of concrete destroys the human spirit” and that “we need the greenery of nature to lift our spirits”. In 1963, he planted the first tree that sowed the seeds to make Singapore a Garden City.

These were bold steps for a newly industrialising country. In the 1980s, we transformed the Singapore River from a heavily polluted passageway for boats to the beautiful urban water catchment area and vibrant destination that it is today.

Sustainable Singapore Blueprint Launched


In 2014, to prepare the island city-state for disruptions, such as environmental challenges & climate change shocks, and to recover, to adapt, to grow from a disruptive experience, Singapore takes up the 100 Resilience Cities Challenge, a project pioneered and financially supported by the Rockefellar Foundation of United States of America.

Singapore’s Resilience Challenge



Celebrates SG50 in 2015.


Singaporeans Celebrate SG50

Singapore SG50 Chronological Stories_One’s Perspective

Timeline of Singaporean History

Case Study of Brunei vs Singapore Fortune



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