Awakening of Human Mind

We are happy with the technological and scientific advancements done to-date but one thing we, human being are still struggling with is the “Mastery of One’s mind”.  It is about time, that we put in effort to  address this dilemma.


All the riches and wealth we may attain, will not make us happy and at peace with our self if we do not manage our Mind Reality well.


On personal front, our financial health are being inter-wined with Global Economy and financial woes of some countries. Job security for some are a challenge. For others, their savings are being negated by high inflation. Housing and food costs are going up and up without abated, in most cities while incomes are not growing fast enough or worst still stagnating or decreasing.


Should the Governments or we, ourselves take the responsibilities for achieving “Good Life” we want.

We have the choice to wait for things to happen or make things happen.


Do we still have positive outlook of our financial health and well being in Y2013 and beyond?




We should focus on what really matters. Stop Worrying and Start Living

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living


We need to change our way of thinking, from reactive to proactive operation mode. Start to work towards improving your financial and personal well-being today.


Many have started out well by setting achievable goals, working out plans and strategies to attain them during November & December period of last year. Unfortunately. for most of them, by now, the drive and enthusiasm had all gone. The goals were either forgotten or put on the back burner. A ritual of new year resolutions by many that are repeated year after year and not really achieve much out of it.


Why is it so? If you do not achieve your goals, do you evaluate the costs of your endeavors, your money & time spent and the missed opportunity for personal growth & greater achievements in your own life.


The first step to financial and personal freedom is planning for success. Fail to plan, plan to fail. It is a journey that everyone has to go through, in order to achieve financial independence and personal success in life.

Think about it. If a million people start off each with Y2013 New Year Resolutions in November/December of last year. Ten percent of them manage to achieve their goals in Y2013, we are talking of 100,000 happier and more prosperous people by year end.


Are you one of them?


All of us should put in effort to have “Mind Mastery” in our own lives.


With the advent of the internet and information technologies, knowledge, tools and strategies of  “Managing of One’s Mind” could be obtained more easily and shared remotely. We should avail to all these possibilities to better our lives.


Anthony Robbins, has this piece of advice for all of us, who are embarking on this journey.


“What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.”

Your Belief & Habits = Destiny


Many things have been said about Rich and Famous People?


Most wonder how they manage to achieve so much while most of us are still struggling to make ends meet in our daily existence.


What are  The Secrets of Their Success?

The Game is not over yet unless you give up 

What Winners Are


It is all in your mind, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle.


Live The Life You Want

In psychology, Habit is being defined as an acquired pattern of behaviour that often occurs automatically. You could recall a few activities that required much effort to learn, but once learned, you could do it again quite easily without much thought about it. Activities like swimming, bicycling and driving a car on a road. Even a simple good habit of looking both ways before crossing a street could save limbs or life from an accidental vehicle clash.

These good habits frees up our brains to focus on other more important things (Pros of Habits).

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business


Unfortunately, there are more bad habits than good ones in most of us.


If you have been to Thailand, watching a show on powerful and large elephants doing tricks, commanded by small human handlers. You wondered how these animals would stay put timidly at one place, waiting for their turn to do tricks, with just tiny ropes tied to its legs and at some anchors.


The reason this works is because the handlers tied the elephants to huge trunks with large ropes when they were young. They tugged, pulled and fight until they got tired. They still could not move when tied up.


The handlers then used increasingly smaller ropes and sticks, but these times, these elephants would not try to tug at them again. They just gave up trying, believing that they could not move when tied up.


These elephants were trained to do certain dance tricks. Each time, they did it right, food was put into its mouth. Sooner or later, they know that when they do a dance trick, they would be rewarded with their favourite food, a pleasurable habit.


Humans do show similar behaviour when they are confronted with certain habits. If these are combined with false belief, the impact could be even more worse.



Be it addiction to smoking/drug, overeating, drinking or spendthrift habits.


We know these are bad, so why are some of you still do it?


Scientists have found out that pleasure-based habits are so much harder to break. Enjoyable behaviours can prompt your brain to release a chemical called dopamine. The more you do, the more dopamine are released. This strengthens the habit even more. When you’re not doing those things, dopamine creates the craving to do it again. This explains why some people still crave for things, even though these things may not make them feel good taking it.


One approach is to focus on becoming more aware of your habits. Then develop strategies to counteract them, by replacing them with the desirable habits you want. You can take steps to strengthen the new one and suppress the original one.


Stephen R Covey, Best Selling Author on “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” has this piece of advice for all of us. “If we want to make relatively minor changes in our lives, we can perhaps appropriately focus on our attitudes and behaviours. But if we want to make significant, quantum change, we need to work on our Principle-Centred paradigms”.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change


Bad habits may be hard to change, but it can be done. Enlist the help of friends, co-workers and family for some extra support.




Be Happy




Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.


The smiley face is commonly used to indicate this happiness state


Philosophers and religious thinkers often define happiness in terms of living a good life, a life that one would like to live or flourish, rather than simply as an emotion.

(Extract from Wikipedia)






Learning To Dance In The Rain 


Many have this thinking that by acquiring more wealth and what money can buy, they equate them with more happiness. When they do, after much struggle to have the “Wealth” they desire, they’re still wondering why they do not experience the Happiness they want.


It isn’t outside you or about getting more stuff.


It is a person’s attitude and the action he/she takes that determine the level of happiness in his/her own mind.


Life is a series of choices – and being happy is one of those choices.

Nobody can make you happy unless you decide you want to be happy.


Manage your life better and Be Happy


  • Be thankful. It’s all about how much you appreciate what you have


  • Strive to be positive. Hope for more but not deterred by less


  • Treat yourself. Be kind to yourself, buy many small pleasures instead of big ticket items, to cheer yourself up


  • Buy experiences instead of things. People love to be “in it” experience rather than owning things


  • Love what you do, you will never complain of work or no time


  • Help others instead of yourself. Giving to charity evokes positive feeling


Cherish people around you. Spend more and quality time with the people you care about. If you have a high level of connectiveness, you are less likely to feel stressed or unhappy.



Books on Being Happy

May You Be Blessed

Bye from now

Reuben H C Ong (a.k.a Reubeno)

Website: http://www.reubenointernet.com/

Email: reubeno@zestinlife.com

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