Zest In Life Q & A

1. All received comments are moderated – If yours is not shown in my post’s comment section, the reason for this decision is one or more of the following:
* Your comment is repeating the one you had put up earlier or other before you.
* Your request is not in my area of expertise eg. resolving website download or mobile appliance access issues (Though I’ll try to get it resolved sometime, through trial and error with different WordPress Plugins from time to time).

* Comment is not consistent or in context with the blog post topic.

* Comments that lean towards  Spamming.
* Comment uses vulgar or disrespectful language to other religion, fellow website surfers.
* Your linked website contains inappropriate or objectional material.

Note:- Dear fellow surfers, if you do find any of the above still in my website postings, please let me know to remove it. Thanks.


2. Tips for aspiring writers/bloggers – Do not get discouraged when your blog does not gather good response from website surfers. Work on providing good and relevant content, website layout, etc and what people want to get their problem solved. It is a matter of time that your website will gather more readership and comments. To know more on “3 steps to an Online Marketing Makeover”, read what Marketing expert John Jantsch has to say. 3 steps to an Online Marketing Makeover; or

from Guest Blogger Jerry What Makes an Ideal Blogger. or


For those who wish to capitalise on your blogging effort, you could join Linkshare Affiliate Network.

To build good rapport and have regular contact with your interested website visitors, it is advisable to have them, subscribed into your mailing list. The whole process could be automated after initial setup carried out. You could join Auto Responder Vendor Aweber & and  Domain & Hosting Service Provider GoDaddy.com.

I’m pleased with the automated services provided by GoDaddy.com. The cost of owning the website domains and hosting of its services are very reasonable priced as compared to other service providers.

Get the domain you really want with Domain Buy Service from from GoDaddy.com!


3. Free WordPress platform vs Self Hosting WordPress option – You could get some comparisons from accessing this website Hosted vs self-hosted blog

or obtaining Free Keyword Searching Tool for possible Niche for your internet Marketing Business.

4. Subscribe to this Website RSS – Current RSS option come with WordPress Blog Template which I’m using right now. Still trying to figure out what other RSS plugins that could cater to you and others who use other type of RSS mode.


5. Any other website, newsletter or bulletin board on blog topics that can be subscribed to – Not aware of any, at the moment.


6, Any plan to add Donate button or Monetise this website – Will do that if it gives momentum and results to the Seekers of Zest In Life with ease and grace.


7. Where do you get all this information and insights- From years of research, attending seminars/workshops and surfing the net on Human Potential and Power of the Human Mind.


8. How long have you been blogging – Since December 2010 and using WordPress for ZestInLife.com, May 2012.


9. To elaborate on the following posts (Zest In Life; Ease & Grace, etc) – Will take your request into consideration for future blog posting.


10. Direct Correspondence to Requestor – No plan to do that, due to other commitments


11. Provide other language for the website, linking to other social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter, LinkIn, etc. – Have done that. They do work but face some problem with my Host Server access after implementing them. Not sure whether it is due to too many linking up in host server database or too good response from many more surfers to my website. At one time, I could not even access to my Host Server with my PC. Will introduce the above, one at a time, to evaluate and minimize impact to surfing experience. My main focus at this time, is to provide good website surfing experience for our english website users.


12. Blog Audience – Seekers of Zest In Life with ease and grace. They have gone through life with some successes in their career, family and social life but feel let down by the amount of effort, energy and sacrifices they had to make in order to achieve them.

You need to have routine doses of positive thinking and positive actions to keep the momentum. Most people do not able to achieve their dream goals solely on their will power and effort only. They need to have supporting Personal Eco Systems. to remind and encourage them to achieve their dream goals.

To know more about Personal Eco-Systems, please use the attached hyperlink to access to free copy of Dr. Philip E. Humbert’s ebook on the topic. http://www.philiphumbert.com/Eco-System.htm


Thank you for dropping by.

Reuben Ong

Website: http://www.reubenointernet.com/