A Happy and Productive Life

Everyone likes to lead a happy and productive life.

In our hectic life, we are always caught up in one thing or the other, working hard for a job, career or business or being busy in personal relationship activities. We seems to have no time, to ponder and working on attaining that state.


We lose focus on what we really want and are in continuous flux of activities and busyness. Our minds are being bombarded with negative or bad news by the news media daily. We seem to think and believe that “To have A Happy & Productive Life” is not attainable by us, no matter how hard we work on it.

The following questions become irrelevant and put in the back burner, and never consider important in our daily existence.

Who am I?

What happens after I die?

What is the purpose of my life on this planet earth?

“An unexamined life is not worth living”. A popular quote from Socrates.

All of us possess treasures within ourselves. The day we are born, our selves arrive in relatively good shape and condition. We come with no biases, no beliefs, no bad habits, likes or dislikes, no doubts, fears and self limits. Then when we grow up, we become more and more self conscious of our abilities and sense of lacks (growing pains in “right” appearance, education, achievements, etc). We see the outside world with wants and needs but not able or sure on how to achieve them. We lose our ambition, drive and direction in life as the years gone by. We leave the management of ourselves to chance.

Unless we do something differently for ourselves now, we are destined to live out our lives unmanaged and unfulfilled.

Self management required some soul searching. It requires Imagination of what our desired state should be and will be. To change the outside world starts with the change of your mindset, you mental attitude of “Why we do what we do”. The casual thinking plays in the shaping of our lives. Your questions and imagination will lead to answers that will propel you to take action towards the desired state you want. If you want to be happy and productive in your own life. you can, you will and you are.

“As a man thinketh in his heart, he is” – James Allen

To be successful, one recurring theme always surfaces, be it on Business, Career, financial investment, self development, good human relationship. etc, it is the Mastery of One Own Mind.

Before I discuss on the topic of “Living Life 101”, I would like to share some quotes expounded by knowledgeable and wise people, the world has even known.

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now – Goethe

There is a gigantic difference between earning a great deal of money and being rich –Mariene Dietrich

I keep six honest serving men, they taught me all I knew; their names are What & Why and When & How and Where & Who – Rudyard Kipling

A lot of people know what to do, but few people do what they know – Anthony Robbins

Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous – Confucius

An expert is a man who has stopped thinking. Why should he think? He is an expert –Frank Lloyd Wright


I wish you all the best with Prosperity and Good Health and and thank you for dropping by.

Bye from now.

Reuben H C Ong (a.k.a Reubeno)
